Dr. Leila Zafaranchi, MD, FACOG

Bioidentical Hormone Cream.

Bioidentical hormones are custom made at a Compounding Pharmacy to have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body.

Our Tailored Therapy for Hormonal Balance.

Though bioidentical hormones have been around for years, most practitioners are unfamiliar with them. For many patients, hormones are the most intimate part of our well being and by custom making dosage based on your levels, you can get maximum benefit with least amount of risk or side effects.

Just What Are "Bioidentical Hormones"?

Bioidentical hormones are manufactured at a Compounding Pharmacy to have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body. By contrast, synthetic hormones are intentionally different. Drug companies can’t patent a bioidentical structure, so they invent synthetic hormones that are patentable (Premarin, Prempro, and Provera being the most widely used examples).

In our practice, we have had the greatest success with an individualized approach. We begin with laboratory tests of hormone levels (a so-called “hormone panel”). When warranted, we then prescribe a precise dosage of bioidentical estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, and/or DHEA that is prepared at a registered compounding pharmacy. Each patient is then monitored carefully through regular follow-up hormone panels to ensure she gets symptom relief at the lowest possible dosage. In the initial stages, we will do a hormone panel every two to three months. Once balance is restored, we’ll do follow ups at a 6 month intervals to ensure safety and stability

Just What Are "Bioidentical Hormones"?

Bioidentical hormones are manufactured at a Compounding Pharmacy to have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body. By contrast, synthetic hormones are intentionally different. Drug companies can’t patent a bioidentical structure, so they invent synthetic hormones that are patentable (Premarin, Prempro, and Provera being the most widely used examples).

In our practice, we have had the greatest success with an individualized approach. We begin with laboratory tests of hormone levels (a so-called “hormone panel”). When warranted, we then prescribe a precise dosage of bioidentical estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, and/or DHEA that is prepared at a registered compounding pharmacy. Each patient is then monitored carefully through regular follow-up hormone panels to ensure she gets symptom relief at the lowest possible dosage. In the initial stages, we will do a hormone panel every two to three months. Once balance is restored, we’ll do follow ups at a 6 month intervals to ensure safety and stability

Frequently Asked Questions.

We long ago concluded that the answer to this question is yes. 

The great appeal of bioidentical hormones is that they are natural, and our bodies can metabolize them as it was designed to do, minimizing side effects. Synthetic hormones are quite strong and often produce intolerable side effects. Moreover, the compounded bioidentical hormones can be matched individually to each woman’s needs — something that’s just impossible with mass-produced products.

The general consensus is yes, but we must be cautious here, we recommend that women never think of any drug as completely safe. European medical studies suggest that yes, bioidentical hormones are safer. But we must be cautious here, we recommend that women never think of any drug as completely safe. European medical studies suggest that yes, bioidentical hormones are safer than synthetic progesterone”.

Let us note here that the WHI studies on the effectiveness and health risks of HRT were based on synthetic/equine-based hormones, and the average age of the women at enrollment was 61. These details did make a difference in their risk — read more in www.whi.org

Are They Right for You?

There are many hormonal and non hormonal options locally to relieve symptoms. For example vaginal lasers, to relieve symptoms without hormones.

In recent years, Oprah and Suzanne Somers have brought bioidentical HRT onto center stage. As a result, we’re now deluged with calls about bioidentical hormones. The basic question women ask is, “Are they for me?”

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a sudden spark of interest in bioidenticals. In her books, Ageless, The Sexy Years, and Breakthrough, and in media appearances to promote them, Suzanne Somers describes how bioidentical hormones relieved her menopause symptoms. She also makes it clear that she intends to stay on them for the rest of her life.

We’ve used bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (bHRT) for over 10 years in our clinical practice, and many of our patients have had great success with it. But we’ve always found that women feel their best when their treatment that is customized to their individual needs. There are many different forms of bioidentical HRT that work in different ways, and each woman responds according to her unique physiology. And it’s also important to understand that while bHRT can provide amazing results in some women, others need more support — or different kinds of support — to get the same relief.

So let’s explore what we’ve learned about bHRT and help you determine for yourself if it’s a good option for you.

are bioidentical hormones for you?

At Women to Women, our goal is to help inform women about their options so that they can make the choice that’s best for them. A woman’s hormonal balance is ideally in a dynamic equilibrium that shifts from day to day, week to week, and through the years. When you give your body the support it needs, it can effectively reset itself, because it’s equipped and programmed for balance and wellness. So we recommend beginning with the gentlest form of support possible to allay your discomfort and tweaking it as you go. We’ll support you in any way we can, each step of the way. The good news is that women can feel incredibly well right through menopause.

are bioidentical hormones for you?

At Women to Women, our goal is to help inform women about their options so that they can make the choice that’s best for them. A woman’s hormonal balance is ideally in a dynamic equilibrium that shifts from day to day, week to week, and through the years. When you give your body the support it needs, it can effectively reset itself, because it’s equipped and programmed for balance and wellness. So we recommend beginning with the gentlest form of support possible to allay your discomfort and tweaking it as you go. We’ll support you in any way we can, each step of the way. The good news is that women can feel incredibly well right through menopause.

Explore Insights From Our Doctor.

Our knowledgeable doctor shares her wisdom on different topics on popular platforms such as ABC, CBS and KHTS.
“Being an OB-GYN physician lends me the opportunity to make a difference in a woman’s life and the responsibility to earn her trust.”

Reclaim Your Body and Your Health.